De 385 proyectos de título diseñados por 469 arquitectos jóvenes, el jurado integrado por Bimal Patel (India), Frida Escobedo (México), Yttje Feddes (Holanda), Marina Tabassum (Bangladesh) y Steven Smith (Reino Unido) han escogido los nominados para la novena edición de los Archiprix Hunter Douglas Award. El ganador será anunciado en Ahmedabad (India) el próximo 10 de febrero de 2017.
Y los nominados son:

Jason Tan > Badabing Badaboom
The National University of Singapore, Department of Architecture, Singapur
Natalia Carrero Rojas > Bioclimatic Housing Prototype
Universidad Santo Tomas, Facultad de Arquitectura, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Amit Imtiaz > Breathing Hydrological Infrastructure
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Faculty of Architecture & Planning, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Sara Escudero Rubio > "Campo da Festa": re(dis)covering rural space.
Universidade da Coruña, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, A Coruña, España
Katarzyna Pankowska > City's Thermal Bath
Politechnika Warszawska, Wydzial Architektury, Warsaw, Polonia
Gert-Jan Wisse > Common Ground Belfast
Amsterdam School of the Arts, Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam, Holanda
Lukas Lederer, Julia Klaus > CONG(L)OMERATE
Technische Universität Wien, Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung, Viena, Austria
Christine Halliday > Consolations of the Landscape
University of Strathclyde, Department of Architecture, Glasgow, Escocia
Alisa Silanteva > Food and the City: Culture and Safety
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Institute of Architecture and Design, Kazan, Rusia
Hannah Broatch > Housing for Construction Workers in Ahmedabad, India.
Unitec New Zealand, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
Alexander Gebetsroither > I-710/I-105
Technische Universität Graz, Fakultät für Architektur, Graz, Austria
Edgard Alfredo Torres Torres, Rodolfo Alejandro Cespedes Muñoz, Jonathan Alexander Mendez Osorio > Inhabiting Highest in the Andes
University of Talca, School of Architecture, Talca, Chile
Luca Fortin > Le Passage du Sault
Universite Laval, Ecole d'architecture, Quebec, Canadá
Kaito Miyamoto > Log
Tokyo City University, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tokio, Japón.
Jonathon Donnelly, Jennifer McMaster > MA|UA
University of Sydney, Architecture, Design and Planning, Sydney, Australia
Claudio Torres, Clarita Reutter > Micro Urban Operations: A Stage in Panquehue.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Arquitectura, Santiago, Chile
Tom van Tuijn, Jolijn van den Berg > Serendipity City
Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Academy of Architecture and Urbanism, Tilburg, Holanda
Emanuel Astete > Ship Construction Museum
Universidad de Chile, School of Architecture and Urbanism, Santiago, Chile
Enrique González Arce > Sistema de Refugio Temporal
Universidad de Oriente, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas , Departamento de Arquitectura, Barcelona, Venezuela
Norman Ning Wei > Super Pacific City
University of Auckland, School of Architecture and Planning, Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
Yuan Jin > Through Thick and Thin
Rice University, School of Architecture, Houston, Estados Unidos
Jorge Ocaña Méndez > Tokyo Replay Center
Universidad de Alcalá, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura y Geodesia, Alcalá de Henares, España
Hannah LaSota > A Walk Around Music
The Pennsylvania State University, H. Campbell and Eleanor R. Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, College of Arts and Architecture, Pennsylvania, Park, Estados Unidos
Conoce todos los proyectos aquí.